Please check your junk/spam folder if you haven't received your order confirmation email which contains your unique order number. You'll need this to activate your project.
In order to manage your project and select the most experienced consultant for your career history, we need you to provide an overview of your experience. Watch the video below for step-by-step instructions on how to do this.
Step-by-step. How to activate your project so we can assign your consultant.
Register on our platform
Click 'Activate'
Provide your career history
Your project is live
When you've ordered a service, the first thing you'll need to do is create an account on our platform. We use a CRM (customer relationship manager) to track project process and ensure that client requests are never missed and are promptly responded to. Our platform also allows our management and customer support team to have an overview of your project and provide assistance should you require it. Your order is automatically synced from our website, but for security reasons we'll need you to enter your order number when registering your account. This is found in your order confirmation email.
Once your account is created you'll be logged in automatically. Scroll down to 'Current Projects' and scroll your mouse over the project until you see 'Activate'. Click 'Activate' to enter your project. We ask you to activate the project because not all clients are ready to start the process immediately after ordering. Activating the project informs our team managers that you're ready to start working with a consultant and the project can be assigned.
In order to match you with the most experienced consultant for your career history, we need to understand what that history is. This is as simple as uploading an old resume, or filling out our career history form if you don't have one. Click 'Upload your current CV/resume and supporting documents' and select the file(s) you wish to provide. Once this is done, your project is now live and ready to be assigned.
Please don't navigate away until you see confirmation that the file(s) have been succesfully uploaded and you've been redirected to your project progress page. If you do not see this message, please try again. Our CRM accepts most Word and PDF formats up to 8MB in size. It does not accept images.
You'll now see your project progress page. At this stage it's over to us. A dept. manager will review your career history and select the most experienced consultant for you to work with. Once your project is assigned, your consultant will message you within the platform to schedule your initial consultation call. You can select a time & date directly from their calendar and you'll receive an email notification from our platform each time your consultant messages you or any action is taken on your account.